Gilbert Adum
Executive Director

Gilbert Adum was born into an “endangered” hunting tribe in northern Ghana. In 2011, in response to alarming amphibian declines in Ghana and globally, he founded Save Ghana Frogs, with the mission to protect declining amphibian populations. He has received several honors and awards for consistent efforts in championing amphibian conservation and commitment to improving the health, education and livelihoods of local people who are dependent on critical frog habitats. Some of these include becoming Ghana's first traditional (honorary) Chief for Frogs and Environment, 2016 Green Oscars (Whitley Awards), 2015 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, and 2011 Cambridge SCCS Prize for Best Report.
Gilbert has also been involved with multiple research projects with international collaborators that have resulted in several scientific publications. Some of these findings cut across rediscovery of species lost to science; establishment of the absence of the deadly amphibian chytrid fungus in West Africa; and enhancement of knowledge about natural history of Ghanaian amphibians. Gilbert Adum holds two master’s degrees respectively from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST, Ghana). His vision for Save Ghana Frogs is to make it a model organization capable of stemming the tide of the ongoing biodiversity loss.
Ohene Boakye Adomako
Director of Science
Sandra Owusu Gyamfi
Advocacy and Strategic Planning Director

Miss Sandra Owusu-Gyamfi is Save Ghana Frog’s Advocacy and Campaigns Director. She holds a masters degree in Environmental Conservation from the University of Greenwich and an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Sandra has been working on conservation issues in Ghana since 2012. She is West Africa’s first female amphibian conservation scientist, which has earned her the nickname ‘frog woman.’ She has dedicated herself to ensuring the protection of one of the world’s most threatened taxa, amphibians, through research, advocacy and training of the next generation.
Through her collaboration with other like-minded institutions and with funding from major donors, she has helped to secure the homes of the critically endangered Giant Squeaker Frog (Arthroleptis krokosua) and the Togo Slippery Frog (Conraua derooi). Sandra helped establish community tree nurseries which to date have raised over 50,000 native seedlings used to restore degraded critical habitats of the Giant Squeaker at its last viable population stronghold at the Sui River Forest Reserve in western Ghana. Sandra currently is working on campaigns to halt bauxite mining exploration at the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, home to the last viable population of the Togo Slippery frog and Ghana’s remaining upland evergreen forest that supports endemism.
Isaac Arthur Frimpong
Community Conservation Coordinator

Ohene joined Save Ghana Frogs in 2013 as a research volunteer while serving as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. He was one of the first two grant awardees of Save Ghana Frog's Small Grants Scheme, for his undergraduate thesis project about the use of amphibians as indicators of ecosystem health. Ohene holds a masters in Sustainable Environmental Management from University of Greenwich, United Kingdom. He also holds a bachelor's degree in a field related to amphibians from KNUST. Ohene has passion for amphibian conservation, as he believes we can only live in a safe environment by saving amphibians. At Save Ghana Frogs he directs and implements projects that fulfil such a purpose. He is also keen to communicate scientific findings to the public and policy makers to get their involvement in amphibian conservation in Ghana and beyond.
Arthur Isaac Frimpong is the Community Conservation Coordinator of Save Ghana Frogs. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi where he majored in Wildlife and Range Management. He also has a diploma in human resource management from the Institute of Commercial Management, United Kingdom. His thirst for nature protection got him connected to several student conservation groups including Save Ghana Frogs, where he was nurtured into amphibian research and conservation. He was one of Save Ghana Frogs' Small Grant student awardees in 2013 whose work led to the rediscovery of the Giant Squeaker Frog, which had almost gone extinct. Prior to joining Save Ghana Frogs, Arthur was a community liaison officer for the USAID-Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) in the Jomoro district.
Emmanuel Sam

Emmanuel Sam currently works for Save Ghana Frogs as a part-time accountant. He is a Chartered Accountant and member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana). He has been working as an accountant for over six years and his experience includes but not limited to donor finance reporting, payroll management, budget preparations for both short and longterm projects, managing of financial records, reconciliation of transactions and financial auditing.
A key addition to his professional experience is his work with A Rocha Ghana, an international non-profit organisation as an Account Manager. He also worked with Coopers and Cambridge Limited, as a Senior Account Associate, Fan Milk Limited as an Account Officer, and Ofori Quartey and Co. as Audit assistant.
Emmanuel has undertaken short courses with Management Accounting for Non-Governmental Organizations (MANGO), UK based NGO, having certified in modules as Keeping your Donors Happy, Basics of Financial Management (intended to provide training on best financial management protocols for finance officers and project managers); Ghana Stock Exchange: certified in modules such as corporate finance, Investment analysis & portfolio management, fundamental of finance and final markets, legal & regulatory framework and supervision.